
Monday, July 31, 2006

Maggie the Cat, Dream Role

For every actor, there is one role that he or she is dying to do. For me, that role is Maggie in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof".

Fifteen years ago, I was breaking in the Piedmont cafeteria and walked passed an audition notice for Kernersville Little Theatre's production. I had done my high school plays and was looking for something to do, so I decided to audition. Looking back on it now, I have to laugh. I was no where old enough, or experienced enough to play Maggie. The director called me and, though he turned me down for the role, he did offer me assistant stage manager. That's where my love of theatre was born. But, back to Maggie.

Ruthie Tutterow played our Maggie. She was, in a word, fabulous. I remember standing backstage watching her performance. Ruthie brought such life to the complex, catty Maggie. I decided then and there that Maggie was my dream role.

And so I was very excited to learn that The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem was opening their season with "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". Today's audition date has been marked on my calendar, even before the auditions dates were posted on their website. (Thanks Jen, and sorry to have bugged you!)

I got to the theater a little after 7 and spend some time filling out the audition form, getting my picture made, chatting with people I knew and sizing up the other actresses. I went in to read more than an hour later, so I had plenty of time to review the sides. Then it was my turn....

I felt really good about my reading. When I came out, Pat asked how I did. (You usually know when you've messed up a reading or not given 100% of yourself.) I told him I was very pleased with my reading.

And guess what!! I got a callback! Tomorrow I will return and read with more folks. While I still might not get my dream role, I am very excited to have been called back. That's a personal accomplishment, in and of itself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you were wonderful and I can't wait to hear the cast list!
