
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Final Performance, The Diary of Anne Frank

It's finally over, and I am so glad! Don't get me wrong, I liked the cast and crew of the show (except for a Friday night incident that I won't go into). But as I mentioned before, 3 weekends is one weekend too long, especially for a heavy drama. Luckily our Sunday matinee was a nice sized house, biggest of the run, so we were able to end on a good note.

During strike is when I usually begin to get a bit depressed. Tearing down a set is always kinda sad. For this closing, I'm not as depressed. Of course, most likely it's because I'm got another show that's headed to production. Come Monday night I'll be in rehearsal instead of sitting on my couch at home wondering what the heck I did with my "free time" before rehearsals began. Now I can devote full attention to "Open Season" which opens in two weeks!

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