
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

That's The Beauty of Live Theatre

We finally worked costume changes into the show tonight. I have one quick change where I go from my pink SpongeBob Squarepants top and white pants (my "in-home health care worker" uniform) to a black dress and bolero jacket with black pumps. I made the change in time and Kelly and I began the scene. Unfortunately Chad's costume change didn't go so well and he was delayed in his arrival to the scene. No big deal, Kelly and I just began to improv to cover Chad's late entrance. It was so neat! We both just jumped into the improv, remaining in character. This is one of the reasons why I love working with Kelly. She automatically moved into "save the scene" mode and I was able to keep up with her. Ah, the beauty of live theatre where anything can, and will, go wrong. But it's giving actors, like Kelly, that can keep the performance moving.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Cue to Cue, Open Season

Okay, so color me very impressed. For those of you not familiar with theater lingo, cue to cue is the term used for setting light levels and marking the "cue line" for the lights to transition. Usually this is a long and drawn out process. But I have to hand it to Elizabeth, our wonderful stage manager. She kept the ball rolling, and we were out within 2 hours. Just to put her hard work into perspective, for other companies, I've sat for more than 4 hours (with nothing to do!) during a cue to cue. So kudos, Elizabeth! Rock on! By the way, if you haven't gotten your tickets, click below.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Graduate Congratulate

I like this picture of the two of us. I am a part of Hannah's past, she is part of my future, and together we are taking the present a day at a time.

I've just offered my congratulations, and expressed how proud I am of her. And Hannah confirmed that she will be going to Appalachian State University in the fall. Apple, tree.....

Hannah's Graduation

Hannah is smiling because her name has just been called. She is preparing, at that very moment, to step away from her (42) graduating sisters, and walk toward her college future.

I was very honored to be among family and friends who watched Hannah accept her High School diploma after 4 years at Salem Academy. I smiled as I watched Hannah scanning the crowd, mentally taking note of the people that had come to celebrate her milestone. I was proud to be a part of her day.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Never Too Late for The Diary of Anne Frank

I wish I had remembered this "Never Too Late" cast photo earlier! Five of us in this shot just closed "The Diary of Anne Frank."

(From left to right in the front row) Galen Harrison played Mr. Kraler, Dick Strohmeier was our wonderful Mr. Dussel, and Randall C. Morris was our director. (From right to left of the women in the second row) I'm in the green flowery dress and I portrayed Miep Gies. Marcia James was Edith Frank.

The lady in the blue flowery dress is the wonderfully talented Kelly Wallace. She and I are in "Open Season" playing Mallory Dupre and Alice Slade respectfully.

Really, the local acting community is not that big! I bet we could start playing our own Kevin Bacon game!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Final Performance, The Diary of Anne Frank

It's finally over, and I am so glad! Don't get me wrong, I liked the cast and crew of the show (except for a Friday night incident that I won't go into). But as I mentioned before, 3 weekends is one weekend too long, especially for a heavy drama. Luckily our Sunday matinee was a nice sized house, biggest of the run, so we were able to end on a good note.

During strike is when I usually begin to get a bit depressed. Tearing down a set is always kinda sad. For this closing, I'm not as depressed. Of course, most likely it's because I'm got another show that's headed to production. Come Monday night I'll be in rehearsal instead of sitting on my couch at home wondering what the heck I did with my "free time" before rehearsals began. Now I can devote full attention to "Open Season" which opens in two weeks!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Still Saying Goodbye

Three more departed Customer Relations yesterday. When I agreed to remain until June 16, I thought the toughest part of the job would be handling the phones. In reality, the actual handling of customer contacts, even phones, is okay. It's the Friday departures that are getting harder to take.

Someone asked me if I thought it would have been better if the West had stuck to a single "everyone has to leave now" date. I think the answer is yes, and no. On the one hand, we'd have only needed to say our goodbyes during that one, single day. Saying goodbye every week can be draining, not to mention the emotional impact of seeing more and more boxes packed and cubes deconstructed. But on the other hand, many of us remain in touch with those that left on the 28th. In that, we do update each other on "so-and-so" during elevator rides or smoke breaks. (Though you guys are gone, you certainly haven't been forgotten.)

Still I'm already gearing up for this Friday....

Friday, May 19, 2006

Performance, The Diary of Anne Frank

So begins the last weekend of this show. Every time I sign on for a 3 weekend show I end up with mental notes to never do one again. Three weekend performances are just a tad bit draining, some more than just a tad. By the time the 3rd weekend rolls around I've usually settled back into my non-rehearsal nighttime routine. (Real dinners, fun with the kids, and actually watching enough TV to contribute to co-worker conversations.) Energy is usually low the last weekend and today is no different for me. Oh, to be able to go home and veg on the couch with a glass of wine! I hope the audience is energized!

Wow! Look at the time. I really need to go and get my makeup on. I should be on my way to the Playhouse!

Anyway, if you haven't seen the show yet, you've got two more chances. 8pm tomorrow night and a 2pm matinee on Sunday.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rehearsal, Open Season

Tonight Kelly, Chad and I will be working our scenes. Scene work is my favorite part of the rehearsal process. I love spending the time to really develop the characters and relationships that have been scripted.

I adore working with Jim. He's definitely an actor's director. He knows his stuff! Kelly and Chad are both wonderful to work with as well. Both are very talented and giving actors. I am very honored to be working with everyone.