
Monday, October 26, 2020

The Right To Vote

Cade and Andrew both celebrated their 18th birthdays this year. Since they were eligible to vote, I asked them if they wanted to go with me to vote early. Now, I'm a Democrat and Cade is a Republican. Andrew also seems to lean toward Republican. I made it clear that how they voted was entirely up to them. I wasn't going to preach one candidate/Party over the other. It was simply very important to me that they exercise their newly gained right to vote. I was so happy they both wanted to go with me.

Here we are in line at the Lewisville Library, masked up and trying to maintain social distance. This picture was taken at 4:15pm.

I had Andrew and Cade go ahead of me so I could watch, and be on guard if they had any difficulties or questions. One of the volunteers called out to the crowd that they were first time voters and they received a round of applause. I was such the proud mom (and aunt). I stood there beaming from ear to ear.

I got my ballot and colored in the bubbles for the candidates I was choosing. I went back through to make sure each bubble was completely colored in. I didn't want anything to negate my selection for President!

Here we are after, sporting our "I Voted" stickers. This picture was taken at 4:34pm. So it took us less than half an hour to vote.

You can't really tell because of the mask, but I was so happy that I was able to vote with Cade and Andrew. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Corona Hair, Cut and Color

I think the last time I got my hair cut and colored was in late 2019! While the salons have been opened for a few months, I knew that EVERYONE would be scrambling for appointments. So I waited, and waited and waited. After giving what I thought was enough time for hairstylists to get used to the COVID guidelines, I finally made an appointment. I'd never been happier to see Jennipher!

This was the only picture I took throughout the entire 5 hour long process. (Hey, after a year it grew pretty long and wasn't in the greatest of conditions!) Later Jennipher posted before/after shots of me to her Instagram. Quite the difference!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020


Sonja is a PHX CEM over training.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Work Anniversary

From: Kip
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2020 7:28 AM
To: Cheryl Ann
Subject: Happy Anniversary!

Dear Cheryl Ann,

Another year has come and gone and you are now celebrating your ninth anniversary with American Airlines – Congratulations!  Our Company has had its share of challenges and successes over the past years, but your work ethic, dedication and professionalism has certainly been constant.  I appreciate your many contributions, the enthusiasm you add to the team, and all that you do every day to make it such a great place to work.  Special thanks for your years of outstanding service and my best wishes for many more years of continued success at AA.  Congratulations again and Happy Anniversary!


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Birthday Greetings

From: Nikesha  
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 5:49 PM
To:Cheryl Ann
Subject: Today is your special day!

 Animated GIF

 I hope you have an Amazing day!

Monday, January 20, 2020

A Note to Other Non-Profits

I am very fortunate to work for a company with a very impressive community relations program. Through our Employee Business Resource Groups (EBRGs) we can request AAdvantage mileage sponsorships. I'm the manager sponsor of our INT Pride chapter and we've secured sponsorships for prideWS, OUT at the Movies, and RiverRun. 

You've also heard me talk about the Do Crew, which is our volunteer program. As part of that program, when I reach a total of 50 volunteer hours, the company will send 25,000 AAdvantage miles to a non-profit of my choice. Theatres and theatre programs are my usual choice to receive my volunteer gift. 

OUT at the Movies and RiverRun have been the most appreciative of any of the numerous non-profits I've worked or volunteered. Time after time, Rex has sent letters, notes, and emails thanking American Airlines for the miles and thanking me for my time. Taking time out of a busy day to draft a letter or send a handwritten note is priceless. For those non-profits that have benefited from miles or my volunteer time, and who wonder why my contributions ceased, this post is for you. A "thank you" goes a long way.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020