
Saturday, May 24, 2014

NC Wine Festival

Ken surprised me by asking if I wanted to accompany him to the 14th Annual North Carolina Wine Festival. Since I like wine, and I like Ken, I said yes.

We arrived right a bit before noon and Ken was amazed at how quickly we were able to get in. Apparently in previous years he's had to wait in lengthy traffic.

There were 29 wineries there. There was no way that we could have taste-tested all of them, so we hit those we were familiar with or ones that looked interesting. Falling into the latter category was Skull Camp Wine. Their "sublime" wine was crisp and refreshing. I purchased a bottle. I also got a bottle of Carolina's Riesling from Herrera Vineyard.

There were also 26 businesses and crafters at the festival. Vineyard Lines had a beautiful booth. They were giving a show deal discount and I was tempted to buy one of their lazy susans. The barrel stave candleholders were beautiful too. I saw some fake Sabika jewelry at the Penny Lane Boutique booth. They had some other unique gifty things too. I also placed a "Wines Constantly" order with Fuzzy Pickle T-Shirts.

By 2:30p we'd sampled from the wineries we were interested in, purchased several bottles, and visited all the crafter booths. As the sun was zapping us from energy (yea, I'll blame it on the sun!) we decided to call it a day.

If you've never been to a wine festival, it's a great time. Get there as soon as opening to avoid long tasting lines. And bring your lawn chair.

Happy Mother's Day to Me

As you can see, I broke my favorite coffee in late 2012. It's been on my Amazon Wish List forever because Tumbleweed Pottery was sold out of the mug.

So imagine my utter surprise when Cade presented me with my Mother's Day gift this year. Thanks to Ebay, I had a delightful Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 06, 2014


Absolutely LOVED your play! You did a GREAT job. All thoroughly enjoyed it. Lorraine (little lady in blue top) said she has been to many plays....enjoyed them but would not see them again....except this one....said she would enjoy seeing it again.....good story...well written and very well presented! You picked a good one to come out of retirement for. Really kept us laughing and even made us shed a tear! Great! Great! Great! And thanks for your last lines in your bio....that always touches my heart. Love you, Mom

Thursday, May 01, 2014

2014 Goals - April Update

Here's how I did with my goals for April.

See a minimum of 5 Broadway shows 
  1. Once - The Musical (January 25, DPAC)
  2. The Book of Mormon (February 15, DPAC)
  3. Evita (March 15, DPAC)
Read 60 books for my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge
- I read 5 books toward my goal this month:  Never Tell A Lie, Room, Breathe Into Me, The First Rule of Swimming, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

- Total books toward my goal of 60 - 30 books. 

Read 3 books off the BBC Reading List
- None (yet). 

Attend 3 Festivals
- Due to rehearsals and very full weekends, I wan't able to get to a festival in April. 

Travel somewhere I've never been
- Nope.