
Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Night's Feature

I received this DVD from my queue back the first of November. Things got busy with work and rehearsals, not to mention Christmas, and it still remained unopened on the desk. Not needing to worrying about going to work today, I asked Sam if he wanted to watch it with me late last night.

Two hours and five minutes. 2 hours and 5 minutes of complete drek. I just don't get why this movie was such the rage when it came out. Everyone I knew was encouraging each other to go see the movie. "It's hilarious!" they all said.

Hilarious? Uh, no. Not even close. It was absolutely ridiculous, tiringly awkward and astoundingly annoying. And Jon Hamm was just, ugh, filthy. The only redeeming part of the entire movie were the scenes with Officer Rhodes.

Sam said it best, "Unfortunately I can't unsee this movie." 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Christmas!

As you can see, Santa apparently thought I was very, very nice this year!

Five books!

Five scripts!

The Once DVD and the Once: A New Musical CD!
(I'm dying to see this on Broadway.)

A Vera Bradley Hipster and Tote in my new favorite pattern, Dogwood.

Mousepad/notepad and 2013 calendar for my office.

A new straightener and a new pedometer.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm a VIP Customer!

From: Brittany
To: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Thu, Dec 13, 2012 8:24 pm
Subject: Sabika - January - 1/2 Off Special!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that January is Sabika's VIP month. VIP Customer Benefits allow you to buy at least one full price item of $69 or more from Fall/Winter or Classics catalogs, and you will be eligible for up to 5 additional Fall/Winter catalog items at 50% off!
  1. Limit of one per article number for "Fun Chokers", "Manhattan Chokers" or "London Chokers" per order.
  2. 50% only includes the Fall/Winter Catalog (not Classics)
  3. Special applies while supplies last

I plan to submit an order on January 1 in order to secure as many items as possible before they sell out. If you would like to purchase some of the 1/2 price items please e-mail me your 'wishlist' early. I will not collect payment until after the order is placed. This is a great deal and a wonderful time to stock up on gifts for 2013!
Because I absolutely love my AB and Crystal Fun bracelets, I ordered the Celebrations Fun choker (d).

I love the whole Glamazon tray, but I didn't want to order it all, especially with it being Christmas. Instead I settled for the Glamazon 2-Stone Drop earrings (f).

I offered my 4 other items at 50% off to my co-workers and they did take advantage of the deal. Now we just have to wait and see if what we ordered will be available.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Public Dedication to Sam

The last 6 months have been a journey for sure. Through a few tears and some outside help, I learned to let go and to fully embrace. I wanted to let my world know of my committment and the perfect way was through a dedication in my Sordid Lives bio.
I took a picture and texted it to Sam. The flash may make the bio difficult to read. Here's what it says:
Cheryl Ann Roberts (Latrelle Williamson) is absolutely thrilled to return to the Theatre Alliance stage and reprise one of her favorite roles. She last appeared here as Willadean in the poignant "The Trials and Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife." Cheryl Ann has appeared with Open Space Café Theatre, the Paramount Acting Company, CTG, Kernersville Little Theatre, Twin City Stage, Stained Glass Playhouse, Clemmons Community Theatre, Davie Theatre Company, and Hickory Community Theatre. She's also done commercial and voice-over work. Cheryl Ann would like to thank her family and friends for their endless love and support. She dedicates her performance to her grandfather (who always watches from the best seat in the house) and to her son, Sam.
Sam immediately responded:

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Kindle Woes

I really do like my Kindle Fire. But sometimes it's a problem too.

You see, I've got several books on hold via the brick-and-mortar library and several on hold via the NC digital library. Two hardcovers came in 2 weeks ago: Tiger Lily and Baby Proof. With the show I could only finish Tiger Lily, which I just did Monday night. My plan was to renew Baby Proof. But, Monday afternoon, I get an email from the NC digital library that e-book Titan's Curse is ready. (It's the third Percy Jackson book. I am reading this series in an attempt to get Cade interested.) No problem. I knew I had 14 days to read the e-book, so I still planned on renewing Baby Proof, as I knew both would be fairly easy reads.


Yesterday I get an email from the brick-and-mortar library that The Casual Vacancy (by Harry Potter's author) is ready. Since that's an extremely popular book with a lengthy waiting list, I decided I'd return Baby Proof and get The Casual Vacancy. I knew I could quickly read Titan's Curse in 2 days and then I'd
have 12 days to read The Casual Vacancy before it came due. You'd think that'd be it, right?


This morning I get an email that Sugar Rush, another e-book I had on hold, has become available. So I downloaded that.

If you are keeping count, I've got Titan's Curse, The Casual Vacancy and Sugar Rush to read. Two e-books and one book book. All within 14 days.

Guess what I'm doing this weekend?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Larry the Elf

It wasn't that I didn't believe him. I just didn't think he'd have the bells to wear the outfit to work!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Theatre Alliance presents 'Sordid Lives' - again

Posted: Saturday, November 24, 2012 11:14 pm
Lynn Felder/Special Correspondent

Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet, Mama Peggy goes and ships you off to the loony bin to get you “dehomosexualized.” But that’s OK. She gets the ultimate comeuppance when she trips over her lover’s wooden legs, hits her head on the sink and dies.

Peggy’s Bible-thumping family is horrified, and chaos ensues. This is the stuff of Del Shores’ “Sordid Lives,” which opens Friday at the Theatre Alliance of Winston-Salem.

It’s the third time that Theatre Alliance has done “Sordid Lives,” the third time that Jamie Lawson has directed it, the third time that Gray Smith has played Brother Boy, and the third time that Cheryl Ann Roberts has played (sister) Latrelle.

As explained by Roberts, “Sordid Lives” is a play in four “chapters.” In the first, the sisters — Latrelle and LaVonda (Ally McCauley) get together with their Aunt Sissy (April Linscott) to discuss their mother’s death, argue over a fur stole, fight about whether or not to keep Brother Boy in the mental hospital and convince Latrelle that her son, Ty (John C. Wilson), is gay.

“Our mother has died under very interesting circumstances.” Roberts said. “Latrelle, LaVonda and Aunt Sissy have come to town for the funeral.

“Brother Boy is locked up in a mental institution because he wears women’s clothing, sings country songs and thinks he’s Tammy Wynette.

“Latrelle is self-righteous. She believes that Brother Boy should stay locked up.

“By the end of the show, though, she has kind of come to terms with her son, Ty, being gay. We see her realizing that it’s OK to accept the truth about things. She’s not necessarily a bad guy, but she has a journey that she takes, kind of an awakening.

“Latrelle allows me to be comedic but also to push making her as believable as possible and to push her to make that journey. She’s definitely a three-dimensional character.”

In the second “chapter,” LaVonda and her best friend hold up a bar and force the patrons to put on makeup and women’s clothes.

In the third chapter, we see Brother Boy in a session with his psychiatrist. In the fourth chapter, all the characters meet up at Mama Peggy’s funeral.

“Brother Boy, the role that I play, is in love with Tammy Wynette,” Smith said. “He dresses like her, he sings like her, and he wants to be her. But, out of all the characters, he’s the most true to himself. His mother has put him in a mental institution, and he’s been there for 23 years.

“What is funny, when you see the show, is all the other people are the crazy ones. They say he’s a nut, but he’s who he is. The others are hiding things.”

Writing for the L.A. Times, F. Kathleen Foley called playwright Shores the master of Texas comedy, saying, “His colorful eccentrics are dead on, teetering on a Bowie knife’s edge between the hilarious improbable and the achingly real.”

Smith agreed. “The audience members will go, ‘Oh, there’s my aunt.’ You see people that you know in these characters. Brother Boy may not be so relatable, but all the characters have their moments when they’re very funny.”

The actors cited two reasons for doing “Sordid Lives” a third time.

One, it is likely to make some money for the not-for-profit theater company.

“A lot of times we have patrons who say, ‘Please do this show again.’ ‘Sordid Lives’ is at the top of the list of things that people want to see again,” Smith said. “Plays are a lot less expensive to produce than musicals, so if we sell out a play, we actually get to put a little money in the bank.”

Two, it’s funny and fun.

“It is one of the funniest Southern comedies,” Smith said. “It’s just hysterical.”

Roberts agreed. “The people that I work with — my castmates — are absolutely fabulous,” she said. “We are cracking up watching each other on stage.”

© 2012 Winston-Salem Journal. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Night At The Theatre, "Bent"

Last night, due to a gracious comp ticket from Chris, I was able to catch the final performance of Bent. I'd never read or seen the show so I had no idea what to expect.

Kristian A. Wedolowski played the role of Max. He was absolutely outstanding! Scott A. Miller played the role of Horst, one of the prisoners that Max befriends. He also gave a fantastic performance.

From what I understand the director changed the ending from that in the script. As such, the ending wasn't as powerful as it should have been. Still, there were many moments in the show that brought tears to my eyes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wisdom Through the Ages

By Denise Heidel

They say that wisdom comes with age and don’t I know how true that is! I really believe we have to experience certain truths for ourselves before we can ever truly understand how meaningful they are. As another birthday approaches, I decided to take stock on a few valuable life lessons I’ve finally come to understand.

  • Some people will never realize how loud they are when they talk.
  • Some people will never understand that socks with sandals are really tacky.
  • Women are not the moodier of the sexes.
  • Women are credited for nagging, but many, many men are quite skilled at it, too.
  • Sick and personal days aren’t supposed to be used when you work in Corporate America…they’re more like decoration for your paycheck.
  • I completely understand what my mother meant when she used to say, “Just wait until you have kids of your own.”
  • If I wear white, I will spill something.
  • Every time I hear Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” I will sing along.
  • Patience isn’t just a virtue, it’s a life skill.
  • I’m never going to be too old for Harry Potter books.
  • Someday, my son will read this and finally get it.
  • You can’t change anyone.
  • You can change yourself.
  • I feel much younger than the number actually reflects.
  • My mother will always expect me to call her when I get home.
  • Me time is important.
  • Girlfriend time is priceless.
  • Pat Benatar was right: love is a battlefield.
  • There will always be someone who doesn’t like you, and you’ll never understand why.
  • You don’t have to like everyone, but you’d better learn to get along with everyone.
  • Some people will never understand the concept of personal space.
  • Walking away isn’t necessarily a sign of weakness.
  • Taking the high road is very often a hard climb, but the view is usually magnificent.
  • Some battles aren’t worth fighting.
  • There’s an art to standing up for yourself without coming across as argumentative.
  • Everyone thinks they have a great sense of humor.
  • There will always be those who will try to one-up you.
  • Not everyone can be the leader; sometimes you just have to try to be the best follower you can be.
  • Having the last word isn’t always the most important thing.
  • The old adage “don’t let the sun set on your anger” isn’t always the best solution to working out a problem.
  • Communication is not just a skill that benefits you as a professional, it’s a virtue to be mastered.

What pearls of wisdom would make your list? I’d love to read them and hopefully – learn from them!

Friday, November 09, 2012

5th Grade Report Card

I am so very proud of Cade.

Report cards came today and I am absolutely thrilled. Cade got 3 A's and 2 B's! I've never been one of those parents who pays out money. It's a good things since he would have cleaned me out!

Reading - A
Math - A (Now this is huge. It was such a struggle for him with multiplications. Somehow things have just clicked recently for him with Math. So, so proud of this accomplishment.)
Social Studies - A
Language Arts - B
Science - B

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This year's Art by Me drawing. Cade says it's a hamburger of all his favorite things.

Text to Sam

Me: You okay? I've read it is really bad. Hoboken is flooded and North Bergen had windows blown out.

Me: When u can, please text me. Just want to know u are safe. I don't care about the time. I love you.

Sam: We're all okay.

Me. Ok. Thank you. Still in the basement?

Sam: We're fine. Still have power :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: So far, so good. Just some really strong winds that come and go. 

Sam: We're bunkered in the basement. Still have power.

Me: OMG. That bad? Rain? Wind?

Sam: No. I have to play into their panic and insanity. We don't need to be here but "just to be safe".

Me: Ok. Please keep me updated. Stay safe. I love you.

Sam: I will. I love you. I've already talked to grandma Susan.

Me: Keep in touch as much as you can and no matter the time.

Sam: Will do. Tell Cade I love him

Me: I talked with him. He's thinking of you too.

Sam: :) love you all
With choreography by Travis Wall, I sooooo want to see this.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

This Week's Recap

Monday night was our first rehearsal for the revival of the revival of "Sordid Lives." I can't tell you how great it was being reunited with this cast. Hugs abounded and we welcomed the 5 new castmates with the same excited fervor.

We sat as Jamie handed out scripts to folks. Many of us had our scripts from the first go-round. Jamie announced we'd begin with blocking Chapter 4 for the newbies. For the rest of us it was just a refresher. As I stood up from my seat a white hot stab of pain shot across my lower back. I cried out though no one heard me over the din. I fell back into the seat and was momentarily stunned. I've had back pain before, but nothing like what just happened. I dug into my purse, grabbed some ibuprofen and quickly swallowed them. I walked gingerly to the stage and could feel my body automatically adjusting to a pain free posture. It wasn't easy.

Luckily rehearsal wasn't long. Jamie only wanted to work on blocking. Somehow I drove home and made it up the stairs. I immediately took some Voltaren, which I had left over from another back issue in May. I made it into bed and had a very sleepless night.

Tuesday morning I had to get Cade ready for school. As soon as I shifted to get out of bed I knew I was in some serious trouble. The pain was enormous. Through gritted teeth and a very strong 4-letter word, I made it as far as my bedroom door. From that point I could either crawl up to Cade's bedroom or yell for him. I chose to yell. Commander bounded down first ready for action and Cade sleepily followed. Through tears of pain and failure I told Cade he'd have to get ready for school by himself. I hobbled back to bed and succumbed to more tears.

I called into work and then called my doctor. There was an early appointment available but I requested the 3pm slot hoping I'd be better able to make it. Unfortunately I had to cancel that appointment. Allan practically had to carry me to the bathroom. I couldn't even walk for the pain and the humiliation brought me to tears again. The doctor did return my call and advised me to keep taking the Voltaren and Tylenol, which I did. My co-worker called, from my manager's office. I think my manager assumed I was faking. After a brief conversation she understood that it was serious enough that I cancelled my appointment because I couldn't even walk! She told me I'd probably need an MRI. My co-worker suggested I change my "I-just-got-up-out-of-a-chair" story to something more exciting. He suggested a pole dancing story. Riiiiiight! I emailed Jamie to let him know I wouldn't be at rehearsal. I slept a bit better that night, but far from a full night's sleep.

Wednesday morning Cade woke up to his alarm, which Allan had prepared the night before. He got dressed and made it to the bus. I phoned work and then phoned the doctor's office. I knew I had to see the doctor. Fortunately the Voltaren had helped some. While I was still in a great deal of pain, it wasn't preventing me from actually walking.

I saw Dr. Burnie Little who, after pressing along my back and lifting my legs, said it was most likely a bulging disk. He said an x-ray wouldn't help, it would show up on an MRI, but the treatment would be the same whether I had an MRI or not. I decided to forgo the MRI (Truthfully, I couldn't stand the thought of going somewhere else and waiting for the MRI. I just wanted to go home to bed.) He prescribed Prednisone and Vicodin. I made jokes about always wanting a deeper voice, hairy chest, and Herculean strength. He also wrote me out of work for an entire week and told me I needed to stay, flat, in bed. For the rest of the day and night I was only too happy to oblige.

Thursday Cade again got up to his alarm. I kissed him goodbye and then took my steroids. I'd had a very good night's sleep and my back was feeling much better than it had since Monday night. I emailed my manager and co-workers and broke the news that the doctor had written me out until November 1. I told them I was really hoping to be back to work on Monday. As nice as it sounds to lay around in bed all day, it really isn't. My manager responded that I needed to take the week and I needed to stay flat in bed.

Since my back really was feeling better and the pain was much less I did move around a little bit more. I thought the exercise might be good. And if I'd had pain caused by tightened muscles that theory would have been a sound one. Friday came and my back hurt like it did earlier in the week. My prescription for the Vicodin said to take 1-2 pills every 6 hours for pain. Up to then I had only taken one, because I didn't want to develop a dependency. (Hello? That's how my Skittles addiction was formed!) I hurt enough that I did take two, and whoo hoo! Back pain, what? Yep, Mommy's high. I spent most of the day falling in and out of sleep. At least I was flat on my back, just like the doctor ordered.

So, today is Saturday, day 3 of steroids, and my back still hurts like hell. I'm determined to keep to bed and have considered moving to the floor. I've only had one Vicodin, which is not really touching the pain. I've read several books since I've the time to read them. I think I'm actually tired of reading! I am watching "One Tree Hill" on Netflix via my Kindle Fire HD, as well as keeping up with Pinterest and emails. My opponents are beating the socks off me on Song Pop. (I blame the Vicodin.) I'm irritable, and upset because Cade is bored out of his mind and there isn't anything I can do.


Bridget introduced me to this Pittsburgh based, family owned jewelry company. Back in July, I purchased a Pacific Opal choker, and Golf earrings in Pacific Opal, Crystal and Jet Black. Each time I wore my Sabika I received compliments. The jewelry really is that pretty. So I was very excited to find a local consultant.

Brittani immediately mailed catalogs to me and with the Pink Party, I knew I wanted to order some stuff. What I didn't count on were my co-workers who also wanted to order some stuff. While I never had an actual "party" I did get enough sales to even get some free Sabika!

Here's what I can't wait to come in:

I do have a couple of brown outfits so I ordered the Latest Luxe Vienna earrings (c).

Since I already have the earrings, I ordered the Crystal Manhattan choker (a).

To match the Crystal Manhattan choker and Crystal Golf earrings, I ordered the Crystal Fun bracelet (e). Because of the sales from my "party" I got the the AB Fun bracelet (a) for free! I thought the AB Fun bracelet would go great with the Pink earrings, which, of course, I ordered.

Friday, October 26, 2012

An Email From Cade's Teacher

Sent: Fri, Oct 26, 2012 12:45 pm
Subject: good news
Just wanted to share something good...

There is a boy in the class that is probably not Cade's first choice of friend. This boy has had a difficult time making friends. However, he thinks the world of Cade. Today, I saw Cade spend some recess time playing ball with him. Then, when making our presidential posters, the boy asked Cade if he could join their group. Although they were almost finished, Cade made him feel like he was definitely part of the group!

I did pull Cade aside and let him know that I appreciated how he responded to the other boy. I also told him that just these few minutes have meant so much to this other student.

It is moments like this that just warm my heart!


I cried reading this email, and then immediately printed it and put it up on the fridge. We've talked to Cade at great length about being a friend instead of a bully. Perhaps he's finally learning.

Friday, October 19, 2012

On the drive down to Charlotte, I happened to see this license plate.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Something To Make Me Smile

I was having a very difficult weekend, attempting to understand, to accept and find my footing. A very dear, dear friend heard the struggle in my voice and showed up at my work to take me to dinner. We went to Five Guys and through bites of cheeseburger and a few tears I unloaded. He offered words of encouragement and after finishing an entire order of fries I felt so much better.

But dinner wasn't all he had up his sleeve.

He also gifted me this little guy. You can't see from the picture, but his back unzips and inside were 3 packages of my beloved Skittles. And even though I am scared of spiders, I think this little spider is too cute.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Talbots? Really!

Jacob and Courtney are getting married on Saturday. I've known of this date and the fact that I'd need a dress for their 3pm wedding for several months. Over the past months I've visited Coldwater Creek, Kohl's, Christopher & Banks, Hamrick's, Dress Barn - the physical stores as well as their respective websites. Dresses were either too casual, too party, too summery, too sleeveless or too tight which made me too tired to keep looking.

Still, the clock kept ticking. With less than a week remaining, and only slighly panicky, I emailed Myla. She suggested Steinmart or Talbots.

Talbots? I'd always thought that was a store for the more mature, rich women. This late in the game I figured I'd pay whatever price to find a dress decent enough for the wedding. I headed to Thruway.
I went to Talbots first and wandered around feeling very out of place. I walked over to a rack containing several dresses. I pulled a sleeveless black dress off the rack and quickly found a dressing room. I put on the dress, turned around and in the mirror was a very classy, slender(!) looking me. I wasn't bothered by the fact the dress was sleeveless. And the pleated bodice does indeed make me look slimmer. I held my breathe as I found the price tag. $169.00 was marked through with red ink. $99.99. Score! While I declined saving 15% by opening a charge account, I did receive a 10% discount by becoming a rewards member.

So I got this lovely, fully lined, brushed-back wool dress for a mere $96.09. I can't wait to wear it!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Text to Sam

Me: Cade's Pride cars

Sam: Awe :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Date Night

When Allan works nights, Cade and I get to have what I affectionately call "Date Night". We usually do the same thing each date night. We start by having dinner at IHOP, then do some light and quick shopping. He doesn't mind going to Walmart or Staples as he can con me into getting him Matchbox cars or mechanical pencils.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Be Pink!

I've been wanting to do pink hair for some time. After the red, pink wasn't really that hard of a stretch. While I knew my manager at work couldn't really say anything about pink hair, I was a little weary. As a trainer and in management, I'm expected to look professional.

So when US Airways announced the Be Pink! campaign, I knew I could get away with it.

Jennipher Ross, from Hair Plus at Hanes Mall is absolutely fabulous. Yes, it's pink, but it does look professional. I love it!

Monday, October 01, 2012


I absolutely love Sabika jewelry. I always get compliments when I wear their earrings or my Pacific Opal choker.

If you are interested in ordering let me know. I'm not a consultant, but your purchase could help my "party."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: Voting for Obama in a school election?

Me: Cade?

Sam: Huh?

Me: you sent me a text about voting for Obama in a school election

Sam: Yes. That's the episode of "New Normal" that's on tonight

Me: Oh

Sam: Is that what you want me to watch?

Me: the whole series not just the 1 episode but yes definitely watch it tonight

Sam: Ah Okay. Oh I've seen commercials for this. It has that guy who was in National Treasure with Nicholas Cage. A woman is a gay couple's surrogate mother. Created by Ryan Murphy from Glee.

Me: and the lead actor from the Book of Mormon

Sam: Oh wow! Cool! Is that why you want me to watch it?

Me: Not entirely

Sam: Is this the new show you're into?

Me: Yes           

Friday, September 21, 2012

Do Crew

Chad and I are waiting for the Midnight Fun Run to start. (It really didn't start at midnight, rather the entire event was over by midnight.) Our job was to cheer the runners and make sure no one fell, got run over or needed any type of first aide.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: Mr. Gyllenhaal

Sam: The set (can't really see the water). I snuck this just for you.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

An Afternoon At The Movies

Steer clear of big wooden boxes at yard sales. Especially if your 10 year old seems unnaturally attracted to it.

There wasn't anything particularly scary about the movie. It was the anticipation of something happening that kept me focused.

Well, that and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Texts from Sam


Me: I sooo want to see his show!

Sam: Um...don't hate me...but we're going Friday...

Me: WHAT?!?!

Me: I hate you! I ahte you hate you hate you hate you hate you

Sam: Then I guess I won't be mailing you a program.

Me: Call me.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Saturday, September 08, 2012

BookMarks Festival

Because I am a book lover, it's not too much of a stretch for me to get really excited about the BookMarks Festival. I first attended several years ago and then was unable to attend due to SETC. The past couple of years Mallorie and I made the pilgrimage. Since she wasn't going to be with me this year, I decided to volunteer. I especially wanted to work the Book Signing tent, which would give me a chance to meet some authors.

Now this was the first time that I didn't really know any of the headlining authors. I arrived to the festival early so I could spend time in the the Wake Forest Bookstore to peruse the books and get educated on the festival authors. I bought One Sunday Morning by Amy Ephron, as the book she was actually here to promote was a pre-order. Gillian Flynn was promoting Gone Girl, Now I don't usually pay full price for books. I borrow them from the library or purchase via Amazon. Gone Girl was a $25 book that really didn't sound that interesting from the cover. Not having read Gillian's other books I was very hesitant. I did overhear two ladies talking about Sharp Objects and after reading the backcover, I was intrigued. I decided to purchase that one and have her sign it.

Here I am with Gillian Flynn. She had one of the longest book-signing lines and she was very gracious with everyone. She stayed past her time to make sure everyone got their booked signed.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Sam's First Job

Back in June when Sam told me he got a job, I thought he said he was working at Bacon Bagels. He corrected me after he picked himself from falling over with laughter. He works at Bakin' Bagels in Maywood, New Jersey. Of course we had to stop in for breakfast and to see Sam in action.
Here's what the store looks like from the inside.
Not sure why this picture came out so light, but here is Sam hard at work making mine and Cade's bacon, egg, and cheese bagels.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: where are you

Me: back at the hotel

Sam: Wow, that was quick!

Me: I know. We only had to circle around once!

Sam: So next time you come up and stay there, you'll be pros

Me: That is what grandma said. Cade wants to come back in October.

Sam: What's in October? Fall break?

Me: Or a weekend, I think he misses u.

Sam: I miss him too

Me: I know. I loved watching u hold his hand. Bb and Lb.

Sam: We were in the pool last night and he just turned to me and said, "You're my brother." before he swam to the other side.

Me: Meant a lot to you, didn't it?

Sam: Yeah

Me: I think he would have used Sam more often if grandma had tried

Sam: Probably. She'll get it eventually.

Me: U just need to gently remind her to call u by your name. 

An Afternoon in the (NY) City

Today's plan was to head into the city. My plan was to perhaps see a Broadway show. Sam wasn't too interested in any of the shows, my mom didn't care either way and Cade was a flat no. Since I didn't want to plunk down $400 for the less than ecstatic we simply walked around Times Square. We spent a good deal of time in M & M's World.

Cade is getting his "color" read. His color was aqua.

We also stopped in Hershey'sand then tried to find The Drama Book Shop. We walked several blocks only to find the shop is closed on Sundays.

We decided to go to Chevy's to cool off, rest and have an early dinner.

After dinner we headed back to Sam's via Port Authority's 163/Route 3 bus. Once we got back to his house, I could tell he didn't want us to leave. We hung out for a while where Cade sat with Sam in an oversized chair watching Spongebob. All too soon, and because of the heat, it was time for us to head back to the hotel. It was almost as hard leaving Sam as it was watching him leave back in May. My plan to stop by his work for breakfast the next morning before hitting the road was but a small consolation.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Night At The Theatre, "Abraham Lincoln's Big, Gay Dance Party"

Yes, I really saw a show called Abraham Lincoln's Big, Gay Dance Party. And if Chris Chandler hadn't been in it, I'm sure I would have never known about the play.

Here's a synopsis according the their website: The story is set in Menard County, Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln once lived and operated a general store. It begins with the annual school Christmas pageant, where the 4th-grade teacher, Harmony Green, has rewritten the script to call into question Lincoln’s sexuality.

The town is horrified and demands she be held accountable. The local DA, Tom Hauser, has Green fired and arrested for distributing harmful materials to minors.

Hauser, a former Republican congressman who left Washington in disgrace in the 80s, receives national attention for the arrest. The RNC sends one of its best people, Lloyd Chambers, to Menard to set Hauser up for a run for Governor.

At the same time, Hauser's friend and protégée, Regina Lincoln, a State Senator, is planning a run for the Governor's mansion and goes to Menard to ask Tom to campaign for her -- only to discover he is running against her. And with the favorable media attention he is attracting as a result of the trial, Regina is certain to lose in the primary. Betrayed and hungry for revenge, she realizes she can attract the same amount of attention and cast Hauser as an out-of-touch radical by acting as Green's defense attorney. When she does, the trial becomes "the trial of the century," pitting two Republican power houses against each other.

This brings Anton Renault to town. A Pulitzer-winning reporter from the New York Times, Renault has his own agenda stemming from Hauser's time in Congress. Renault blames Hauser for exacerbating the AIDS crisis and intends to use his coverage of the trial as an opportunity to end Hauser's career once and for all. His efforts are unexpectedly complicated by the friendship he forms with Hauser's son, Jerry Hauser.

The play is about the trial of the century, but it is also about history -- the history of Lincoln (and the radically disparate interpretations of it), and the history of animosities and friendships between the characters stemming from the 80s. One could say the play examines how we are constantly "re-litigating" our history.

I didn't care for the show at all. It wasn't necessarily the acting, though there really were no strong performances. It's the play itself. With a name like Abraham Lincoln's Big, Gay Dance Party what incentive does one really have to take things seriously?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: Laptop/printer shopping...I feel uncomfortable and unintelligent without you helping me :/

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Text to Sam

Me: Just so you know, I'm having a moment. We are in Walmart getting Cade's school supplies. A wave of sadness hit me that you aren't here too.

Sam: I haven't evens started with supplies yet cuz I have no idea what I'll need. But yea, that's x5 million is where I was last night.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Texts from Sam

Sam: Restoring my childhood one CD at a time.