
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today was the first day of The Shepherd Center's annual used book sale. I've been attending for the past 4 years. Last year I went on the final day of the sale and I didn't bring home much. This year I was determined to go early for the best pick. I ended up getting out of work earlier than expected so I was at the Education Building by 2:30p. Since the sale opened 5 hours earlier, I felt I'd have a good selection.

So that I didn't blow my entire paycheck, I set a $20 limit. I also wore my heels, which after a full 8 hour day, was beginning to hurt my feet. Pain has a tendency to focus, so I headed straight for the Drama and Fiction tables.

An hour and $14 later, I hobbled out, laden with books:
1.) The Collected Plays of Neil Simon, Volume II
2.) Atonement3.) Eat Pray Love
4.) Something Borrowed5.) Something Blue6.) I Heard That Song Before
7.) The Memory Keeper's Daughter
8.) Love Walked In9.) Running With Scissors
10.) Who Moved My Cheese

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tonight's Feature

I don't remember Ben Affleck being so buff! As it was, I forgave his soft acting with such a tight body to watch. Mmmmm hmmmm.

Overall I liked the movie. Bad guys, lots of action, and even a little romance. And things resolved exactly as they should. Very enjoyable.

One Happy Girl

I love it when the Tiffany blue envelope arrives in the mail. New catalog!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cade and I Might Be In The Paper!

I follow Winston-Salem Monthly magazine both on Facebook and Twitter. The editor posed a question today that I happened to answer. And things took off from there!

-----Original Message-----
From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:34 PM
To: WSJ WSMonthly
Subject: Kids Artwork
I don't know how unique it is, but I created a blog with my 7-year-old son to record pictures he took with his camera. Two years later, his blog also includes pictures of his school artwork, at-home drawings, and writings.

Cheryl Ann
From: ELineback
To: Me
Sent: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 4:02 pm
Subject: RE: Kids Artwork
This is great!

Do you mind potentially being in a story that is scheduled to run in the Winston-Salem Journal (I think the weekend before Mother's Day)?

If so, what's your full name? And where do you live (just the town -- not sure if you're in W-S or in another town in the area)?

What was the catalyst for creating the blog? Who sees it, and what do they say about his creations? Has the blog evolved any in the last two years or is the method/system pretty much the same? What does your son think about it?!

And finally, what do you do with the originals once he's captured the image for the blog? How do you feel looking back at his artwork, comparing his work then versus now, etc.?

(He's 9 years old now, correct?) Do you mind giving his first name? You don't have to if you'd rather not, but it'd be good if we could include it.

Thanks so much!

From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:40 PM
To: Lineback, Emily-Sarah
Subject: Re: Kids Artwork
I would be honored!

My full name is Cheryl Ann Roberts and I live in Lewisville. My son's name is Cade and yes, he is 9 years old.

When he was 7 I got him a camera for Christmas. He was thrilled and took all kinds of pictures. According to him, EVERY picture he took was good and worthy; I just didn't want to print ALL of his pictures for an album. His blog was created to mutually satisfy us both!

His blog started as just camera pictures. Over the past two years it's evolved to include his school artwork and doodles/drawings he does at home. Some artwork was given away to decorate family fridges and my office cubicle wall. Other papers are recycled and still others reside in a box in my attic waiting for "that day". (And by "that day" I mean either the one when I'll scrapbook it or pass on to his future wife.) We've also included a few of his writings (plays, stories and poems).

I've just recently started tracking the "traffic" to his blog. Mostly it's family members and close friends who read it. "Creative" is the word they use to describe Cade.

Cade is sometimes embarrassed to go back and see previous entries. But overall he's proud of his development, as am I.
From: ELineback
To: Me
Sent: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 5:48 pm
Subject: RE: Kids Artwork
Cheryl Ann, this is perfect. (And how cool.) Thank you so much! I may have a follow-up question, but what you've sent is wonderful. I really appreciate it.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Funny

To hoom it mae cunsern,

I waunt to apply for the job what I saw in the paper.

I kin Type realee qwik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.

I think I am good on the fone and I no I am a pepole person, Pepole realee seam to reespond too me well. Certain men and all the ladies...

I no my spelling is not too good but find that I Offen can get a job wit my persinalety.

My salerery is open so we kin discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,

I kin start emeditely. T hank yoo in advanse fore yore anser.

hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.


PS: Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me.

Dear Bubba:

It's OK, Honey. We've got spell check.

See you Monday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cade loves the presents he got yesterday for his birthday. A Yoshi backpack from Mallorie and a DSI case from me.

He was a bit impatient, as you can tell by the first picture. He coped a bit of a 'tude with this second picture.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 08, 2011

Tonight's Feature

Ken and I saw the staged production at The Public Theatre back in 2007. I was so excited to have been so close to Phillip Seymour Hoffman that I could have reached out and touched his arm. I was also thrilled to see Daphne Rubin-Vega on stage. Neither disappointed.

I was initially upset that Raleigh was the closest city showing the movie. I email a/perture cinema and asked if they would consider showing it. Apparently they did, though I was out of town during the short run. Even though the DVD was a high priority on my Amazon (birthday) wish list, once I realized I wasn't going to get it I placed it at the top spot in my Netflix queue.

Mallorie and I watched it tonight. She was slightly bored with it and I was absolutely enthralled. Jack is a very quirky, awkward character and Hoffman's portrayal was spot on. Clyde is Jack's best friend and Ortiz's performance was endearing. The pool scenes were some of my favorite in the movie. Rubin-
Vega's character, Lucy, was appropriately bitchy. Her cut down of Clyde and their marriage is heartbreaking.

I loved the movie as much as I loved the stage production. And even though I've seen the movie, it's still on my Amazon list. Maybe for Mother's Day?

Resurrecting Rachel?

From: Kati Frazier
To: Devon; Laurel; Cheryl Ann; Greg; Chris; Sam; Alice; Katie
Sent: Fri, Apr 8, 2011 10:51 am
Subject: The Couch again?
Hey guys!

So, I have already mentioned this to some of you, but that possibility of bring The Couch to Theatre Alliance is becoming a reality. We will be performing July 7th and 8th with a tech on the 6th.

Of course that use of "we" is tentative. I want as many of you back as possible, mainly because I like you and enjoyed what you did with the script but also because it will make putting this back up much, much faster. The plan right now is to start rehearsal in early June, and the schedule should be pretty light. We will mainly be refreshing our memories, working a few minor revisions, and bringing up to speed any new actors. How busy it is depends on how many people I have to replace.

So here is my question to you: Are you in? Don't feel bad if you can't do it, I'll be sad, but I understand that you guys have other shows and other commitments.
*Rachel was such a fun character and I so enjoyed bringing her to life. I'd love to bring her to the Theatre Alliance stage! I advised Kati that I won't know my work schedule until mid May and that I'd let her know as soon as my schedule was ironed out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work out.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Searching For My New Team

US Airways bringing 200 jobs to Winston-Salem center
By Richard Craver

US Airways Group Inc. said it is bringing as many as 200 reservation-center jobs to Winston-Salem, offering promising news for job-seekers struggling through a 10.3 percent Triad unemployment rate.

The new hires include 60 workers brought on in March, and another 60 will come on board if they complete training that began Monday. Starting pay for the jobs is $9.96 an hour.

The jobs are returning to the Hanes Mall Boulevard center — as well as to centers in Phoenix and Reno, Nev. — as part of the airline's collective-bargaining agreement with its unions.

It was required to return all reservation sales and service calls originating in the U.S. to domestic call centers by October. The Winston-Salem center operates around the clock, primarily handling specialty domestic calls.

The jobs are not all new positions, said Vonda Hardy, the president of Communications Workers of America Local 3640, which represents the center's workers. The center has lost some union employees in recent months because of attrition, retirement, health issues and workers being let go.

"Being a reservation agent is a very hard job, and some people left to pursue other employment," Hardy said Wednesday. "It truly is a job where you are accountable for every second you are at work."

In December, the airline approached the Winston-Salem City Council for a one-time incentive of up to $29,250 in return for pledging to add up to 200 jobs.

The council approved the request but has not paid any of the incentive, said Derwick Paige, a deputy city manager.

Mayor Allen Joines said, "The city worked hard on this project and is delighted that US Airways chose Winston-Salem as a site to bring back these jobs."

The airline said in December that it had 757 jobs overall at the center, including union and nonunion employees.

Hardy said the workforce represented by the union has dwindled to 600 — down about 30 from 15 months earlier. Some of those employees have left since December, she said. Some non-union management and administrative employees were hired in recent months, she said.

Joines said the airline remains eligible for at least a portion of the incentives based on a net gain of jobs at the center.

The airline has added 60 employees from training sessions that took place in March. Some of those workers are former American Express employees in Greensboro, Hardy said. American Express said Jan. 19 that it was closing its call center by year's end, with an expected loss of about 1,500 regional jobs.

US Airways expects to get another 60 employees from a second round of training that began Monday. It plans to conduct training in July, August and September.

The starting pay for the new jobs is about $20,717 a year, Hardy said. The $9.96 hourly rate represents a 62-cent increase from the current wage.

She said employees get two weeks of vacation and one week of holiday pay, and they qualify for health insurance from day one. As part of the union contract, new hires will get two weeks of holiday pay beginning in 2012.

Forsyth County officials chose not to offer incentives to US Airways because the proposed salaries for the jobs aren't high enough. The county has a guideline that says companies should pay at least $10 an hour to be considered for economic incentives.

A per-job incentive package was offered to US Airways in 2005 when it was considering consolidating its two main reservation centers in Winston-Salem or Pittsburgh. The company collected a small amount in incentives for those jobs.

The center has been one of the city's larger private employers for more than 10 years, including mechanical and other back-office jobs. However, the airline's local workforce has fluctuated sharply over the past nine years.

Since August 2002, US Airways has been through two bankruptcies. It was bought by America West Holdings Corp. in 2006.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Today was my last day at GMAC. While I am looking forward to returning "home", I will greatly miss my co-workers. They organized a food day in my honor and presented me with this card.

What a great, fun group of people they are!