
Monday, July 20, 2009

A Script Report

While talking to a representative from Baker's Plays during SETC's Spring Convention, a woman recommended this play to me. She said it was very funny and perfect for community theatre groups. Leaving Baker's empty handed, I promptly purchased several scripts, including this one, at the Samuel French booth. I just finished it, and I agree with the stranger's recommendation. Messiah on the Frigidaire is a wonderful script.

The role of Lou Ann Hightower really resonated with me. Maybe it was just my mood when reading it, but I could actually feel her struggles with her marriage and attempts to deal with the popularity. The character of Betsy Gridley began somewhat stereotypical, but warmed me by the play's end. The script does have some very funny moments, but it's the honesty of all the characters that makes it work. This is not a show for over-the-top actors. The comedy, and ultimate message, is in the truth.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Words for Women to Live By

1. Aspire to be Barbie. (The bitch has everything!)

2. If the shoe fits, buy them in every color.

3. Take life with a pinch of salt... a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila.

4. In need of a support group? Cocktail hour with the girls!

5. When life gets you down, just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

6. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality.

7. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They know me here.

8. Lead me not into temptation. (I can find it myself.)

9. Don't get your knickers in a knot. It solves nothing and makes you walk funny.

10. When life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka.

11. Keep your chin up, only the first 40 years of parenthood are the hardest.

12. If it has Tires or Testicles it's gonna give you trouble.

13. By the time a women realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong.

And my personal favorite:
14. Remember wherever there is a good looking, sweet, single or married man there is some woman tired of his bullshit!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bravo to Travis, Jeanine and Jason

Last night Travis Wall was nervous about his choreography. He shouldn't have been. Jeanine and Jason danced it beautifully.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Live Blogging So You Think You Can Dance - Again

It's the Top 10!

8:02 - None of the introduction solos were very good. I mean, I know they don't have much time, but come on. Oohhh, I like Cat's green strapless dress. Reminds me of the one Marcia Gay Harden wore during the Tonys. Debbie Allen is the guest judge tonight.

8:09 - Ugh. Another Bollywood number. Mustache masks - wtf? Apart from the colorful costumes, I just wasn't impressed.

8:18 - Kayla and Evan, now that is an interesting partnership. They solved the high heel problem - she's barefoot! Nice lift! Overall I wasn't too impressed. I kept looking at Kayla's feet. I wish she would have floated a bit more instead of landing flat on her feet. Right on Mary, Evan looked a bit stiff and robotic. Why do the judges love Kayla so much?

8:28 - Brandon solo. I love his choice of song! He is so fluid!

8:34 - Jeanette and Ade, now this will be a good pairing. Both are very strong dancers. And they get a hip hop routine. I love how Napoleon and Tabitha incorporated Ade's pick in the routine. Ade was outstanding. Jeanette held her own. Nigel is cracking me up!

8:41 - Randi's solo. I think we've seen it before. Her costume looks familiar. Oops, looked like she fell there, but I know she didn't.

8:47 - Kapono's solo. Very interesting to watch. I liked the costume and I liked the choreography. It was different but I liked it!

8:49 - Jeanine and Jason. I can't believe she's stuck with another dud. I'm excited that Travis Wall is the choreographer. Wow! Talk about lines. OMG! That was fabulous! Wonderful, wonderful choreography. What a story. And Jeanine was outstanding! Jason wasn't bad. The judges are giving a standing ovation! Can you believe Mary is speechless!? The Hot Tamale Train...they do deserve it. Evangelizing dance....m'ok.

9:04 - Melissa's solo. It was okay.

9:05 - Evan's solo. Wow, great split jump. Very cute routine. I liked it. Mallorie likes him. She's sitting beside me now.

9:06 - Kayla's solo. Good Lord. She a smile on her face the whole time and she just lit up the stage. That was a really good solo. I liked her's much better than Melissa's.

What? More commercials?

9:12 - Randi and Kapono, another interesting pairing, and a paso dablo. She's wearing a wig! I like the costumes. I think Randi's having some trouble. Too funny. She almost feel at the very end. Mmmm, not very good. I agree with Nigel, no chemistry between them. Debbie had a very good point - there was no trust between them.

9:21 - Ade's solo. His choreography doesn't seem to match well with the song. The flip, good Lord.

Fame, the movie opens September 25. I watched the TV series growing up. I'll definitely see the movie!

9:27 - Jeanine's solo. Very good. I really like her.

9:28 - Jason's solo. What is he a duck? Hmmmm, that was a risky number.

Another commercial? Geez...

9:34 - Melissa and Brandon. This should be good, a Hair piece. (No, seriously.) Too much smoke you can't even see them. They did a great job, I just kept watching. Cat is cracking me up. Tyce did a good job playing to each dancer's strength. It was really good, probably my second favorite number of the evening.

9:41 - Jeanette's solo. She is Miami heat! I love watching her dance.

9:47 - lol An African dance number. Poor Evan. Actually, he looks pretty good in rehearsal. Jason's doing his own dance. Brandon rocked it! Ade looked like he had some trouble. I am actually very impressed with Evan. He really knocked it out! Nigel is cracking me up - a dancing milkshake.

Okay, let's see. I need to make my prediction for tomorrow night. I think Randi will definitely go home. I think it'll be a toss up between Jason and Evan.

Something I've Suspected For Years...

The Folly is home to Kernersville Little Theatre's fall productions. As such, I've spend a great deal of time in the Folly rehearsing and performing shows. It's a very interesting house, but when the sun goes down it becomes downright creepy. I have absolutely no problem being there at night, as long as there are at least 5 other people with me!

Results Of Investigation Revealed Wednesday

KERNERSVILLE, NC -- The Southern Paranormal and Anomaly Research Society has officially declared Kernersville landmark Korner's Folly to be haunted.

The group, which investigates what it calls paranormal activity, spent time at the house several months ago.

"At first they actually toured the house with some basic meters to see if it warranted an investigation, and then they decided based on collaboration that it was worth inspecting," said Korner's Folly executive director Bruce Frankel.

The investigators said they captured several paranormal activities, including an unexplainable light and a child's voice saying the phrase "peek-a-boo."

"To get so much evidence that we just can't explain is phenomenal, and it exceeded our expectations," said SPARS investigator Deonna Kelli Sayed.

The group held a news conference inside the house Wednesday morning to present their findings.

Sayed called the haunting a "gift," noting that the buzz surrounding the news has created public interest in the house.

"The investigation has been very beneficial for the property itself. It's increased public interest," she said.

The 22-room house on Main Street was built in 1880 by Jule Jorner, an interior designer, decorator and painter.

Sayed said the property was chosen because it was so unique. "About 80 percent of the furnishings are original, which is always ideal for paranormal investigations," she said.

Frankel said historical records show nothing that would be indicative of a haunting happening inside the house.

"There is no historical evidence of anything but positive things that happened in this house," he said.

The home, which boasts interesting nooks and crannies as well as no two alike doorways, is open to the public. The landmark is known as the "strangest house in the world."

Copyright 2009 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sordid Lives Kudos

I just want to tell you how much we enjoyed the play.

I learned recently that my hours at work are being cut and am losing my health insurance (at almost 62 years old) & have been in bummed mode lately. I bought the tickets thinking that I may get a laugh or 2, especially after having enjoyed "Plaid Tidings" so, so much.

Well, I just want you to know how much we enjoyed Sordid Lives and how much it brought my head up. It was the best $25 bucks I ever spent. The whole cast was terrific. The play just lifted my spirits. Thank you all so much for helping me to feel better.
~U 7.10
A most hearty congratulations to you, Cheryl Ann, for (yet another) amazing performance! And FINALLY discovering and believing you truly are elite as a performer. Take the confidence and run with it. You've worked so hard over the years, and you deserve the respect and the "fame" that comes with the level of achievement you have attained. I am so proud of you!
~M 6.28
You get betterer and betterer.
~LSM 6.28
you were phenomenal in Sordid Lives!
~N 6.25
You seriously did such a good job in the show...I've never seen you act before! SOO good!!
~CR 6.22

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Final Performance, Sordid Lives

According to Jamie, we could still have done several more performances and sold them out. But alas, last night was our final show, at least for this year. (I've already blocked my schedule for the 2012 revival!)

The show went well. Similar to opening night, and in the same spot, April went up on one of her lines. She recovered last time, but I had to ad-lib last night. If my actual line had been on the tip of my tongue, I could have simply gone on, filling the space. But I needed April's line to prompt mine. My cover sounded contrived, at least to my own ears. Still, the audience probably never knew.

Also in that scene I caught myself planning out how I was going to vary my delivery to a set of repetitive lines. My planning worked, the audience collectively laughed. But thinking about it took me slightly "out of the moment" and I didn't work up to my usual power ending. Again, the audience never knew the difference.

The audience did, however, see the curtain fall off the window and onto a small table during the funeral scene. GW (Don) drunkenly proclaims that "Life is a big ol pile of shit, Latrelle", exits slamming the door behind him. The force of his slam caused the curtain to fall, pretty much right in front of me. The audience started tittering, and in the two seconds it took me to decide whether to put the curtain back, the tittering became infectious. Remaining completely in character and with a slight nod of my head toward the fallen curtain, I delivered my next line "Well, he's right about that" directly to the audience. They laughed, and I continued on with the scene, choosing to leave the curtain over the table. The audience "got" my intention that it was just one more thing poor put upon Latrelle had to deal with.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Live Blogging So You Think You Can Dance

So I decided, at 8:30p, to live blog the show.

I really do love Cat Deeley. And tonight she looks fabulous in that black dress and styled hair. No wonder everyone is clapping on and on and on...

Oh, good. Tonight's guest judge is Tyce Diorio. He's choreographed some of the best SYTYCD opening numbers.

First up Melissa and Ade in a disco routine. Love her costume! Not so much Ade's. (Did they add a scrap of cloth in the butt of his pants?) Wow, those lifts! They did very well, even though Ade couldn't hold Melissa for the final pose. And I absolutely agree with all three judges.

Kupono and Kayla are doing a Mia Michaels routine about addiction. Oh wow. It was absolutely fabulous! They are both so great with these contemporary routines! I totally agree with Nigel about Kayla's hair. Hopefully she'll tie it back so we can see her face.

I'm not a fan of Jason or Caitlin but I will admit they both did a beautiful job with the foxtrot. She looks beautiful and her costume is absolutely lovely.

8:31 - Jeanine and Phillip doing a Russian folkdance? I'm not impressed. My guess is they'll be in the bottom three tomorrow night.

8:38 - Randi and Evan in a hip-hop routine. Okay... Actually, they both did a good job! Very cute. I loved the choreography to Halo and they pulled it off beautifully.

8:47 - Janette and Brandon are one of my favorite couples. Janette is in her element. Brandon looks a bit stiff. Fancy footwork, but I'm not really impressed. I'd have fast forwarded if it was taped. Nigel just gave them a standing ovation, which Mary and Tyce joined. Yes, it was technically fantastic. It just wasn't wow. Still, Mary put them on the Hot Tamale Train. Tyce is comparing Brandon's dancing to squeezing orange juice? Too funny!

8:53 - The TV is blank! OMG! What's wrong with the cable? CRAP!

8:55 - Shit. Seriously, what's going on? USA works. The network channels are out?

9:05 - I cannot believe that on the one night I can actually sit and watch the show that the friggin' network channels are out. DAMMIT!

9:12 - I'm friggin ticked.

9:13 - Oh, wait! Ok, relax and breathe. It just came back. Chick-fil-A commercial. (Those peach milkshakes look delicious!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hope I didn't miss too much.

9:16 - Jason and Caitlin's second dance, a Mandy Moore jazz routine. Love the music, Show Me Heaven. Very sweet routine. I liked it. It was good. Not great, but good. I agree, Nigel, they do lack chemistry.

9:27 Jeanine and Phillip will be doing a jive. Wow! Was that Phillip moving like that? Did he just trip slide? Jeanine is really good. While they do make a cute couple, I do think Phillip has been holding her back. He won't last much longer on the show. I think she'll definitely go far. Yes, I so totally agreed with Nigel. That was Phillip's best routine. And Mary just put Jeanine on the Hot Tamale Train. It was well deserved. Fan-friggin-tastic! Tyce is cracking me up!

9:39 - I love Randi and Evan together. I think they've done as well as they have because of their partnership. After the Butt Routine Brandi shouldn't be embarrassed about anything! Excellent opening lift! Wow! I can't believe her costume! That last lift gave them a bit of trouble. Overall, it was a good samba. Sizzle-that's right, Mary. That was the word I was missing. Evan won't be around much longer. Brandi, I think, will last longer in the contest.

9:50 - Janette and Brandon the final couple? DAMMIT! I missed Kupono's and Kayla's second dance, and Ade's and Melissa's. A Wade Robson routine. Uh-oh. They are in trouble. He's the one who did the Crash Test Dummy routine. I didn't really like the routine. Wow, the judges really loved it. Both are fabulous dancers, I just didn't care for the choreography.

Looking at the recaps, I'm not too upset about missing Melissa's and Ade's second dance. I see that Kayla did barrette her hair in the second routine. I wish I could have seen that. Oh, well. I'll check youtube tomorrow.

My predictions for the bottom three couples: Jason and Caitlin, Evan and Randi, and Phillip and Jeanine. I think Evan might be going home tomorrow night as well as Caitlin.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

How To Really Love A Child

Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots and pans. If they're crabby, put them in water. If they're unlovable, love yourself. Realize how important it is to be a child. Go to a movie theater in your pajamas. Read books out loud with joy. Invent pleasures together. Remember how really small they are. Giggle a lot. Surprise them. Say no when necessary. Teach feelings. Heal your own inner child. Learn about parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe. Bake a cake and eat it with no hands. Go find elephants and kiss them. Plan to build a rocketship. Imagine yourself magic. Make lots of forts with blankets. Let your angel fly. Reveal your own dreams. Search out the positive. Keep the gleam in your eye. Mail letters to God. Encourage silly. Plant licorice in your garden. Open up. Stop yelling. Express your love. A lot. Speak kindly. Paint their tennis shoes. Handle with caring.

* I found this in a magazine. I've no idea who the author is. But it was too moving not to post.

Monday, July 06, 2009

A Script Report

I've now read all plays written by Del Shores. This was his first script, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Having played Lurlene in Daddy's Dyin' Who's Got The Will, I was familiar with the Cheatin' story and cast of characters. I was pleased to finally "meet" them.

I love that Sid Cranford narrates the story directly to the audience. But then again, I'm partial to plays that break the 4th wall. I also like that the scenes blend into one another, ensuring the pace of the play.

It's a very cute show, and I'm crossing my fingers that Jamie decides to do it for Theatre Alliance. I'd love to be in the show!

Oh, and a very interesting thing...Rex Knowles originally produced and designed lights for the play. I've spoken to Rex on numerous occasions for SETC business! Small world...

Saturday, July 04, 2009


The kids and I decided to walk to the Square to see the fireworks. We don't live that far; I thought about a 10-15 minute walk. Thirty minutes later I was huffing and puffing and cursing our quest for exercise.

Still, we got great seats and we thoroughly enjoyed the display. Here are some pictures I took, and some Cade took.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Latrelle and Sissy at the Table

This scene was one of my favorites because it was such a props challenge. Holding a glass of tea, I'd walk over, spy the apple pie and ask Sissy if she wanted a piece. My first challenge was trying to find a place for the tea. The pie was pre-cut but I always had difficulty getting the pie onto a plate. (And not just one piece, but two!) There was only one night when too much prop concentration made me go up on my lines.

I actually ate the apple pie. Listening to Sissy go on about how big Vera Lisso was getting, I would pick out and eat the apples. I'd try to get as much in my mouth so that when I delivered a specific line, I say it with a mouth full of food. I'd try to finish any remaining apples, chew and swallow, throw down the plate and begin talking about Ty's New York Show. It was as natural as talking with my mom over dessert at her house.

The front row especially got a kick out of this scene. One night a pile of napkins fell on the floor and Sissy got them so I could go on with my monologue. Another night I spilled tea down my dress. And another night I had to use my fingers to get the pie that was stuck on the spatula onto the plate. I took it all in stride, never breaking character. I let Sissy get the napkins, wiped up the tea and licked the apple pie filling off my finger.

Sissy and I always managed to pull off the scene, making it look as easy as, well, apple pie.

Sordid Girls

Using the last of the Polaroid film...It's Latrelle, LaVonda, Noletta and Sissy.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Rite of Passage

Today we took the training wheels off Cade's bike. As my own mother did, I held on to the back, teaching him to balance. He had a few shaky starts, but soon he was riding like a pro. He was as proud of himself as I was of him.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

July skirt! Philosophy

Every skirt tells a story. The mini you wore to the march in D.C. The scarlet velvet that always brings you luck in love. The silver skirt that left SEQUINS behind like guilty secrets. The denim A-line that brings out the country girl in your genes. The schoolgirl kilt with
doc Martens, so rude and cheeky. Gypsy
layers left over from a Deadhead lover and a broken-down van. The long leather number that put a runway stomp in your step when you needed a brave heart. A cargo skirt with deep pockets for toys and bottles, coloring books and checkbooks. The unfortunate bubble and the regrettable skort - we all have skeletons in our closets. The little black skirts that take you from 9 to 5, the sarongs that light your vacation fire, the tutu that keeps your childhood dreams alive. Where will your skirt take you next?