
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Booty

Santa was very good to Mallorie this year. She's opening up the digital camera he left her. On the couch behind Mallorie is another coveted present - Guitar Hero III with a wireless guitar. Rock on!

Cade is excited to have received a remote control PT Cruiser from Grandma and Grandpa. He couldn't wait to open it up and race it around the yard.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Cast of Just Kidding

Auditions for Kernersville Little Theatre's first production of 2008, Just Kidding, were held last Tuesday and Friday. Since the Just Kidding cast includes two roles for kids, I mentioned auditions, on several occasions, to the cast of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

The promotion apparently paid off. There were 17 kids vying for the two roles, and there was quite a turn out for the adult roles.

Congratulations to the cast of Just Kidding:
Stephen Swoap - Calvin Rogers
Kaye Ward - Sandra Rogers
Scott Spencer - Wayne Maybrie
Luke VanHine - Todd Maybrie
Jean Burr - Monique
Macon Shirley - Jeff
Karen Price-Crowder - Jessica Finch
Morgan Robbins - Jenny Finch
Chuck Powers - Chris Gentry

Show dates are February 22-24 and February 29-March 2. Go ahead and mark these dates on your 2008 calendar. You won't want to miss this show!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

(Second) Friday Performance, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

The kids were in rare form last night before the show. Hyper-energized. We had to corral them in the music room where, thankfully, Michael and Mallorie entertained them by telling jokes. At 7:45pm I had a rather harsh chat with the kids about several things.

During tech week we made announcements that costumes were to go back on hangers and placed on the costume rack each night. They were told that costumes left lying around would be confiscated. Thursday night one of our shepherds left his costume on various chairs in the dressing room. His costume was taken, and I had to have a chat with him and his mother. Of course he claimed he did hang his costume. So, the kids were (re)warned again last night.

Last week some incidents involving touching and spitting were brought to my attention. Both issues were addressed last Saturday, but apparently there was still some parental concerns. I reiterated last week's conversation, and advised that if problems continued offending cast members would be replaced.

The threat of being dropped from the show apparently helped some to focus their energy. Last night's performance was even better than Thursday night's show. Ken blogged about it, live.

We've two shows remaining. If you haven't yet attended a show, please purchase a ticket and come early.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Cast of The Foreigner

Pat Shumate is Betty
Mikey Wiseman is Froggie
Chad Edward is Charlie
Cheryl Ann Roberts is Catherine
Mark March is Ellard
Don Gunther is Rev. David Lee
Ken Ashford is Owen

While I'm not surprised that Ken got cast, I'm so glad he decided to do the role. And since Kelly Wallace will be doing costumes, the entire cast of Bug will be involved with this show. The cast of Grace and Glorie is also reunited.

I am absolutely beyond myself. I am so uttely excited over this cast. And the fact that I (finally!) get to work with Stan. Mission, indeed missions, accomplished.

A Book Report

While I haven't actually read Candace Bushnell's book, I'm a fan of Sex And The City. So, when I saw 4 Blondes on the shelf at Edward McKay's, I didn't think I could go wrong. Based on my recent track record with books, I should have known better. Of course, I was wrong.

The book is actually 4 novellas about 4 different blond women living in New York: Janey is a model who uses her "charms" so she can vacation every summer at the Hamptons. Winnie is a political/style columnist with a major news magazine who hates her husband. Princess Cecelia is in such a state of utter depression that even with an handful of Xanaxs she can't cope with life. A writer (perhaps Candace herself?) travels to London to write about sex with Englishmen. While they dress in Prada and carry Louis Vitton luggage, each woman and her respective life is less glamorous than the previous. These women are shallow and, dare I say, pathetic. There was very little substance, and no real ending, to any of the four stories. Not that I really cared.

Don't waste your valuable time reading this drek. Instead, tune to TBS for entertaining reruns of two blonds, a red head and a brunette.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Callbacks, The Foreigner

After Ken and I finally worked out who would run The Best Christmas Pageant Ever brush-up, I headed over to the ACT trailers for callbacks. This time I arrived early. Mark and Don were there, as was Chad. As we were ushered into the other room, I was pleasantly surprised to see Michael and Pat come in. Looking around, I quickly sized up my competition. There were two other girls that I didn't know.

Pat and another lady were up for Betty. While the other lady read well, Pat was very attuned to the comedy. Since Ken decided not to come to callbacks, and he mentioned he really didn't want to do Owen, David will probably get that part. Michael and Don were vying for the role of Rev. David Lee. Michael auditioned better, but Don is a very good tood. Kevin and Chad were up for the role of Charlie. Either one would be great. There was one young man there for the role of Ellard. And Mark read for a variety of roles.

I don't like to read first at callbacks. I'd much rather study the competition, and make changes/choices accordingly. Thankfully Stan had the other two girls read first. Neither of them were bad; they were just a bit bland. Clearly they weren't as familiar with the script as I was. As good as I felt about my audition, I felt even better about my callback reading.

Callbacks were over by 8:10pm, and once again I chatted with Michael in the parking lot. My phone rang and I almost had a heart attack trying to locate it in my purse. It was Ken on his way back from brush-up. I told him I'd call him later and continued casting the show with Michael. My phone rang again and I recognized the number as that of The Little Theatre. I held my breath.


Dusty's European Vacation

After 6 months of quickly traveling through Europe, Dusty finally decided he'd had enough. He's back home on American soil.

I use the term "home" loosely. Dusty has no real home, as he sold his house back in June. Right now he's staying with friends in DC. He's planning on coming down to NC on the 17th and will stay with Mom through Christmas. I know he's planning on meeting next week with his former employer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can get a job quickly.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Auditions, The Foreigner

Today has been circled on my calendar since September. Actually, the 10th was circled on my calendar since that was the original date of auditions. But once I found out they were a week earlier, I made the calendar adjustments. There was no way I was going to miss this audition.

You see, I've wanted to play the role of Catherine ever since Kernersville Little Theatre produced the show, back in 1990. I ran sound (and pyrotechnics) for the production. Each night I sat mesmerized by the actress who brought Catherine to life. The other actors, April (as Betty) and Jeff (as Ellard) in particular, were outstanding. I fell in love with the show. I've seen it at least a half dozen times.

Stan is directing The Little Theatre's production, and you know of my challenge with Stan. I had also heard that Stan wanted to cast Catherine close to the script age. (She's supposed to be 25.) Still, I planned to audition. I had everything to gain and nothing, really to loose.

Auditions were held in the ACT trailers, and a last minute audition outfit change caused me to be a bit late. Ken was already there, as were Ally, Don, Mark, Chad, Jere, and Jean. Ken and Jere read early and left right after. I sat and chatted with Ally, Don and Mark for a bit. Then they read and left. I talked with Chad a bit and then reviewed the side with my scene partner. Finally it was our turn.

We went in, we read the scene, and we left the room. I felt pretty confident in the way I read. As I came out Michael was coming in, so I sat and chatted with him for a bit. Auditions were over by 8:45p and as I was talking with Michael in the parking lot, my phone rang.

I got a callback.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Opening Night, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Last night Kernersville Little Theatre's production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" was brought to life. The Kernersville community, and then some, came out to see the show. There were so many patrons we had to open the balcony. It was wonderful seeing a full house.

The show was wonderful. I was so very proud of the kids. Not a single one of them appeared nervous. The audience loved Ruth, who is a pistol as Gladys. BJ's underwear line got a great laugh from the audience, as did RC's line about his brother. The twins, Nathan and Sean, received applause as they entered as baby angels. Every one of the kids was spot-on.

April's telephone cord disconnected from the phone during her Mrs. Armstrong scene. The malfunction didn't trip her up. Kelly jump a couple of lines, which cut two lines for one of the kids. The audience never knew.

Except for a tizzy during the pre-show concert, technically the show went well. Fred heard all my light cues and Vi and I worked on the sound cues and levels. My backstage crew was ready for the scene changes and they went quickly.

The only bad thing about our opening was how I felt by the end of the night. My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. Yep, now I've got a cold.

If you come see the show, and you definitely should, make sure to come early. The pews fill up fast.