
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Gotta Cut Loose!

Mallorie and I worked concessions for The Little Theatre's ACT Quest high school production of Footloose. Working concessions is a very easy way to volunteer, and you get to see the show for free.

I've seen this musical before. Michael Carter and I went in support of Ken, who played Coach Dunbar in CTG's version. As far as musicals go, it's okay. Unfortunately, if you've seen the movie, you've seen the musical, and the movie is much better.

Still, these high school kids must be commended. They did a great job. The funniest part of the production was seeing all these teenagers in 1980's style clothing. Wells Albritton came out wearing a tight (and I mean painted on) pair of pinstriped jeans. I remember wearing that same style when I was in high school.

The only thing that detracted from the production was the sharing of about 5 hand-held microphones by the entire cast. (No, they weren't trying to channel Spring Awakening, they simply didn't have the budget for body mics.) During the first act, the microphones were passed from one to another, often making the actors upstage themselves. In the second act the microphone would appear from the most interesting places, like from the cushion of the sofa chair. It almost became a game for the audience to guess where the microphone would be hidden.

I would like to give a few shout-outs. Three of my students were in this production. Wells was wonderful as Willard. Laura was great in the chorus. I was most impressed with Anne, who was worried about getting the dance numbers. She shouldn't have worried. She did a great job, and I learned she has a really nice singing voice. Lianne was in The Vagina Monologues with me. She was hilarious as Rusty, Ariel's fast talking friend. Kudos to each of you!

Next up for ACT Quest, Once on This Island performed by the middle school campers.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hairspray: The Movie!

After seeing the touring show of Hairspray last December, I've been waiting to see the movie. Today was the movie's opening day and I wanted to help out box office sales. So Mallorie, Ken and I caught the afternoon show.

I must say that while I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, I thought the stage show was much, much better. Nikki Blonsky, who plays Tracy Turnblad, was absolutely outstanding, as was John Travolta who plays Tracy's mama, Edna. (I absolute love that as an actor he isn't afraid of a little gender bending.) Zac Efron, who was Link, was such a cutie. And yes, he's got the talent to back up his looks. I was also amazed by James Marsden who played Corny Collins. I had no idea he could sing! Queen Latifah and Elijah Kelley were great as Motormouth Maybelle and Seaweed, respectively. Britney Snow (Amber Von Tussle), Michelle Pfeiffer (Velma Von Tussle), and Christopher Walken (Wilbur Turnblad) were good as well. I did not like Amanda Bynes as Penny Pingleton. I was extremely disappointed with her portrayal. I've seen her movies and her TV series, so I know she can be very funny. But she held back quite a bit. Not sure if it was the director's choice or hers, but the Penny character really suffered.

Mallorie enjoyed the show as well. There were several instances when we were both chair dancing along to the infectious music. Ken wasn't as animated, which wasn't surprising. He was probably watching the movie with a critic's eye.

As soon as we left the movie theater, I headed over to Best Buy. I bought Mallorie the movie soundtrack and I got the Original Broadway Cast CD. Our respective iPods will be playing respective versions of songs from Hairspray for quite a while.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

KLT Volunteer Picnic

Today was the second annual KLT Volunteer Picnic, held at Harmon Park. Last year our picnic was rained out and had to be moved to Casa de Cissna's. Today the weather was absolutely beautiful, albeit a tad hot.

Lots of KLTers showed up for the picnic. As many years as I've been with KLT, there were still folks I had not met. We feasted on hotdogs and wonderful salads, pastas, and other picnic fare prepared by some of the KLT ladies. There were tons of desserts too.

Mallorie, who has been a KLT volunteer (off and on) since she was 4, chatted up one person then another. She is so at home with theatre people. Cade and I headed to the swing set and we swung for a bit, until I got dizzy. Then he headed to the slide and played with another little girl. He and I eventually headed to shade where we played our own version of Bocce.

All in all it was a very lovely day. It's nice to gather together, to hang out and have fun, without worrying about putting up a show. No lights, cues, or lines. Just good times and good fellowship.

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Night At The Theatre

I attended last night's performance of The Full Monty with my mom and 4 of her friends. Mom and I are both hoarse today.

I was familiar with the show, having seen the movie and the Broadway show when it toured through Greensboro. I wasn't as hoarse after seeing the touring show though. It's because I saw it with Ken. I didn't want to embarrass him by yelling. Last night, Mom and I were two of many women who were laughing, hollering, yelling, and wolf whistling. There were 6 good reasons why the women in the audience were lively: Jerry, Dave, Malcolm, Harold, Noah, and Ethan.

If you don't know anything about the show, you can catch it tonight and tomorrow in Winston-Salem. Then the show will be moving (same cast, same set) to Greensboro for a two weekend run at the Carolina Theatre. Really, I'm telling you, don't miss it!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Casting Results, Bug

Agnes: Kelly Wallace
Peter: Mark March
RC: Cheryl Ann Roberts
Jerry Goss: Don Gunther
Dr. Sweet: Ken Ashford

Yes, you are reading correctly. I didn't get Agnes. And it's okay, really. I mean, I am a little disappointed, but I trust Jamie and his vision. And I love Kelly. I've said before that she's an amazing actress and I'm honored, once again, to share the stage with her.

And I'm looking forward to working with Mark, Don and Ken again. All of us were in Sordid Lives. We have an amazing director, amazing cast and a very talented set designed. The show is going to be thrilling, and I'm very excited to be part of it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Auditions, Bug

Well, tonight is the night I've been waiting on for several months. At 7p I will be at SECCA auditioning for the role of Agnes in Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance's upcoming production of Bug. If you've seen the recent movie, Ashely Judd plays the role I am after.

I read the play back in February. The script calls for some nudity (in the movie Ashley was naked in the final scene), drug use and a downward spiral into psychological paranoia. I knew Agnes was one of those roles that would really challenge me as an actress.

I intentionally stayed up late last night, so I'd have circles under my eyes today. I'm not wearing much makeup, I let my hair air dry so it looks unkempt, and I'm wearing oversized jeans with a Wild Child t-shirt. I'm hoping I look a bit "worn".

Update 1:42p - Jere Dailey (who played Maurice in LTWS' Beauty and the Beast) stopped by my office a bit ago. We chatted about his new book. As we were talking, he kept staring at me. He then told me he thought I was beautiful. I started laughing as I thanked him for the comment. I told him about the audition and that I was actually going for the worn look. Jere then asked me how old I was. I told him and he was really shocked. He didn't think I was even 30!
Update 7:35p - I arrived at SECCA at two mintues after 7 and anticipated several folks already there filling out audition cards. I walked in with Don Gunther (who was GW in Sordid Lives). We were the only ones there to audition. Jamie gave us scripts and as Don and I looked over the lines, Kelly Wallace came in.

I knew Kelly was going to audition and I knew she would be my competition. Jamie read both of us, as Agnes, with Don and then had Kelly and I read the Agnes/RC scene. (RC is Agnes' lesbian best friend.) As Kelly and I walked to the stage, she whispered to me that she doesn't want Agnes because of the nudity. Cool with me. I started out reading Agnes to Kelly's RC and then Jamie had us switch the roles. I'll be damned if I didn't give a better reading as RC! I mean I actually felt like RC as I was reading.

Don, Kelly and I were done reading by 7:15p. We hung out in the parking lot chatting for a bit. Another woman, Laurel, pulled in to audition. I believe that she's younger than me, so, I'm not as worried about her for Agnes. And if Kelly really wants RC....And if no one else shows up......

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Emails with Call Sign "Mickey"

To: Mark (call sign Mickey)
From: Cheryl Ann
Subject: Re: Just a quick pic of me in Kuwait

Where were you from February to April? Were you in the States getting training? What is your job? Tell me everything so I can understand!

What are the chances of you coming home before Christmas?

From: Mark
To: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 4:22pm
Subject: Re: Just a quick pic of me in Kuwait

let's see.......I was given my marching orders in 11/2006, saying that I was heading to Kuwait. I left NC in February to spend a little time in Norfolk, after Norfolk, I went to Williamsburg for desert training. We left Williamsburg for here on April 1. I know... I know... i was hoping for an April Fool's joke too! But I guess the joke was on me!

I was the LPO of the Washrack (LPO=lead Petty officer). Washrack is like a carwash for tanks and things. We are responsible for insuring military vehicles returning to the states are clear of ammo, human remains, but primarily dirt. There are organisms in the dirt here that could be harmful to the US ecosystem.

It looks like I should be home for Christmas, at least I hope so.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Emails with Call Sign "Mickey"

To: Mark (call sign Mickey)
From: Cheryl Ann
Subject: Re: Just a quick pic of me in Kuwait

How on earth do you stand 129 degree weather? I can't even imagine.....I start to gripe when the temps hit 85!

How long have you been in Kuwait? How long will you have to stay?

From: Mark
To: Cheryl Ann
Sent: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 4:13 pm
Subject: Re: Just a quick pic of me in Kuwait

Well.... at 129, you just sweat. Not much more you can do about it. 117 is the norm, and it is HOT. The pool, however, is a cool 90 and is REALLY refreshing.

I was deployed in February and we landed here April 1. I hope I get back before Christmas.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dusty's European Tour - Greetings from London

From: David "Dusty" Roberts
Sent: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 1:23 pm
Subject: Greetings from London!

We made it to London and things are going well. It is certainly very cold and rainy here! I would say that it is about mid 60's. brrr. thank goodness I have a rain jacket. We have been ultra busy since we got here- touring London and riding the underground (tube - Mind the Gap!). Tomorrow we are going to take off to Salisbury to see Stonehenge and stay the night or two. That should be pretty cool!

Other than that, Montreal was ok to experience for our layover. LOL. We left the airport and went down to the 'old district' near the port and walked around. They had a Jazz festival going on which was cool to experience. The locals say that Montreal has lots of festivals during the summer- we were lucky to experience one. Most of what I saw in Montreal was a bit grungy. I can't say that I'll be back- or at least to that area. haha.

So many things going on in London this weekend that we'll miss. The Tour de France kicks off tomorrow (we did see them setting up for it at Trafalgar Square), Wimbeldon and the Live Earth Concert which boasts a lot of performers in a 25 hour period. Too crazy! No wonder there are no rooms here. haha.

I hope that you all had a great 4th of July. I'll write more later - I just wanted to send a quick note to let everyone know that we are doing well.

Miss you!!