
Thursday, December 28, 2006


Well, I didn't get Evalita. Interestingly, Mimi got that role. I got the role of Lurlene, the religious oldest sister. Ken tells me that Jamie must see me more as pious than slutty. I guess that's good, right?

Anyway, I am happy to have gotten a part. Ken did get Orville and Ally did get Marlene. That's all the cast I know. Rehearsals will start next week.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I just got back from Daddy's Dying Who's Got The Will auditions. I was surprised by the turn out. Specifically the men. There are only 3 male roles and there were at least 10 men auditioning!

I had talked Kenny into auditioning and was glad that he came. He read very well for the part of Harmony. Really, I think he was the best one, but Zack was also good. Ken and Paul are competing for the role of Orville. I hope Ken gets it. I think he's got the emotional range for Orville. Mark March was hilarious as Buford. A couple of other guys read for Buford, but Mark really nailed it. He'd have to be aged quite a bit though.

There are 5 roles for women and 6 ladies auditioned (including me). Mimi wanted the role of Mama Wheelis, but Chris and a new lady, Betsy, are better suited for the role. Betsy read very well for the part. Ally was a scream as Marlene and had everyone laughing. She will definitely get that part. Jamie read Mimi and I both for Lurlene and Evalita. Lurlene is the oldest sister and Mimi read that part well. I'm hoping to get Evalita.

Still, even if I don't get a part, I'm okay with that. I must admit that it's been nice being home at night. I've caught up on some TV programs and actually read a book, as opposed to a script. (I do have those two books I got for Christmas...) I mean, if Ken gets a part and I don't I know I'll feel a bit left out. But I could always work and read my books backstage.

Monday, December 25, 2006

We Must Have Been Nice....

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas. For the first time since I can remember, no one opened a present that required one of those fake "oh, I just love it" smiles.

Mallorie finally joined the ranks of teenagers across the land; she loved her new iPod. I received several jean/sweater outfits, and two books I wanted: for one more day and Persuasion.

Cade was just beside himself. I think you can understand why...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Cookies

Tonight Mallorie asked me if I could make Christmas cookies for her to bring to school for her friends. Yeah, nothing like a little advance warning. Though Betty Crocker I am not, lucky for her I did have a couple of packages of the pre-cut Christmas cookies from Toll House. Mallorie baked and cooled the cookies while I made icing.

As you can see, Cade helped out by decorating the cookies with sprinkles. Since the cookies were for her friends, Mallorie made sure of Cade's quality.

Makes you smile, doesn't it?

Monday, December 18, 2006

You Like Me, You Really Like Me

When I found out I won Time Magazine's "Person of the Year", well, I was just speechless. At first I thought it was a joke. But after seeing me on the cover. Wow! I'm just so thrilled and honored.

I just got off the phone with Time Warner. I expect the networks will be vying for interviews and I wanted to make sure my telephone line was working. I'm still not sure it is. The phone hasn't rung all day.....

Announcing the Cast...

Congratulations to the following who have been cast in Kernersville Little Theatre's upcoming production of Lying in State:

Karen Price-Crowder will play Edna. Peter Poulos will play Herb. Michael Henry Carter will be Wally. Tana Albright will play Buttons. Dick Srohmeier is Fred, Kelly Wallace will play Margo, and Lee Huggins will be Harry.

Peter and Tana are new to KLT. You've seen Karen in Cotton Patch Gospel and A Christmas Carol. For Michael, Dick, Kelly and Lee it will be a Never Too Late cast reunion. I was also in that show. Man, I should have sucked it up and auditioned.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Peace on Earth

This is one of my most favoritest (did I just make up a word?) places on earth. It's the Moravian Gift and Book Shop in Old Salem.

Now I've always loved Old Salem, in part to a former flame, but my affinity for this shop was originally my mother's doing. Several years ago she started collecting Pipka Santas, and the Moravian Gift and Book Shop was a 5-star distributor. I'd go over to the shop, usually during the Candle Tea when the shop would remain open later, and spend quite a bit of time trying to pick out a Pipka Santa that Mom didn't already have. The start of my Christmas season began with picking out Mom's gift. I felt peaceful and calm there. Even when there were groups of school children in the shop hastily trying to pick out souvenirs before the bus left, I still felt quiet there. It was like my once-a-year momentary retreat.

So it didn't surprise me in the least when two years later I figured out that Hannah, most likely, went to Salem Academy. My affinity for the Moravian Gift and Book Shop was certainly more understandable. It just felt all the more right when I was there. For the next couple of years my annual pilgrimages to the book shop were tinged with a bit of excitement. Has she been in here? Will I see her in here?

My mom has since stopped collecting Pipka Santas, the book shop has ceased being a distributor and I've since met Hannah. Still, today I went to the book shop. And while there were a great many patrons in the store, there are only 9 shopping days left, I felt as though I was the only one there. I looked at every single Christmas ornament, smiled at and petted every stuffed animal, and read the spine of every book in the shop. For the hour that I was lost there, I was at utter peace.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Lying....on the Couch

I didn't audition for Lying in State. Cade had a wicked cough Wednesday night. And, though Mallorie is a wonderful babysitter, there are some comforts that only Mommy can provide. So Cade and I wrapped up in a "blankie" on the couch and I massaged his back until he fell asleep. He was a bit hyper from the Children's Nyquil, so it took a while before he dozed off.

Cade was feeling much better on Thursday, however, I didn't feel too good at all. For most of the day I remained under the "blankie" on the couch reading scripts between naps. I had every intention of going to KLT auditions, but I simply had no energy.

So, it's water and vitamins for me for the next 12 days. I can't miss auditions on the 27th....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lying in State or Daddy's Dying..

Decisions, decisions...

Kernersville Little Theatre is having auditions for Lying in State tomorrow. There are 2 roles (Edna or Buttons) that I would love to do. My problem? Theatre Alliance is holding auditions for Daddy's Dying....Who's Got the Will? on December 27. And there are several roles (any of the Turnover sisters) that I would love to do.

Randy Morris is directing for Kernersville. I've worked with him several times, and he's directed me in 3 productions, though never for KLT. I like that he poses questions to the actors so they can discover more about their characters. Randy watches my facial expressions which, he says, adds to my characters. He also taught me how to bend over in a sexy manner!

Jamie Lawson is directing for WSTA. I've worked with him three times. He gave me the role of Latrelle in Sordid Lives which I feel was a turning point in my acting "career". All jokes aside, working for Jamie in Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical was challenging, and I learned a great deal about myself.

I know that Kelly Wallace and Dick Stroheimer are going to audition for KLT. I absolutely love working with both of them, and the thought of being opposite them on stage is very appealing. Then there's my bestest friend, Ken Ashford, who also wants a role in Daddy's Dying. Ken is a wonderful actor and I've learned a great deal from him too.

It's funny that sometimes it's feast or famine with shows and roles. Too bad I don't sing. I would have taken a chorus part in Beauty and the Beast not to have to agonize over two of my favorite directors.

Argh, decisions, decisions!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Broadway Weekend Continued...

I think Ken can now check something off his "Things To Do Before I Die" list. We saw Monty Python's Spamalot tonight. I knew that if I didn't accompany Ken, he most likely would not go. So off to Charlotte we coconut shell trotted.

Unlike Friday night's Hairspray, I did know a little something about Spamalot. A former boyfriend was an avid watcher of Monty Python and was prone to spout phrases from the series, usually after drinking. (If memory serves me correctly his favorite phrase had something to do with a penguin sitting atop a television....) To further my Monty Python "education" and to deepen our "love" I sat through "Monty Python's The Holy Grail". He laughed his ass off and I merely tolerated the movie. I just didn't find that kind of humor, well, humorous. A knight who continues to fight after all limbs have been cut off? Oh, come on.

However, tonight I was pleasantly surprised. We had great seats, row D seats 1 and 2 (d'oh, left and not center). The set was outstanding. I was very impressed with all the drops and flyies. The cast was fabulous, except for the Lady in the Lake. I couldn't decide if "she" was a she or a very good female impersonator. And much of the story followed the movie. Well, almost. After Act 3, sorry, Act 2, things got really interesting, and really funny. I actually laughed, several times in fact.

I can truthfully say that I thoroughly enjoyed Spamalot. But please don't make me sit through it again. Unless we can get row D seats 1 and 2 in the center! That alone would make a second seeing worthwhile.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Last night Ken and I went to see Hairspray. (Yes, this time he remembered the tickets!)

I didn't know much about the show, except that Harvey Weinstein played the mother on Broadway, and that's the same role that John Travolta is portraying for the movie. And I knew that Ricky Lake played the lead on Broadway. If Ken had backed out, I wouldn't have been hurt in the least. I wasn't really excited or looking forward to going. Neither of us were.

We were so glad we sucked it up. I was absolutely blown away, from the moment the curtain rose. I used to think Jamie's curtain calls were something. Imagine Jamie's curtain calls as every single musical number and there were a bunch of them since the storyline involved a local TV dance program, much like American Bandstand. The cast sang and dance and danced and sang. I kept thinking that by the end of the tour, the actress playing Tracy Turnbald would be skinner than a Victoria's Secret model. What a work-out!

The show is, hands down, one of the best shows I've ever seen. If the tour comes through your town, make sure you see it. It's a great show with a great message. And one helluva rockin good time will be had by all.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tale as Old as Time...Redux

Three months from now, Mrs. Potts' song will once again get stuck in my head...

The Little Theatre had quite an audition turn out for Beauty and the Beast earlier this week. More than 80 talented folks tried out, including some very good friends.

I am so very excited that Emily Mark was awarded the role of Belle. As you know, I'm secretly in love with Emily, okay...not really, but I do admire her as an actress and as a person. There is no better Belle than Emily Mark. Trust me on this one.

I was so glad to see Gray Smith at the auditions. To me, he is the perfect Lumiere. Alas, the director saw Gray as something even better. Gray will be playing the Beast. He and Emily, together, best friends playing the leads! I'm going to have to bribe the box office manager to ensure my front row center seats.

Congratulations as well to Miriam Davie, who will strut around as a wonderful Babette; Maggie Gallagher who, in my book, is the only Mrs. Potts (her husband Bill is also in the show); Craig Faircloth, who was fantastic in Batboy: The Musical, will be Gaston; the Barnhart sisters who will be the silliest Gaston fans ever, and to Fluffer and Danny Alvarez who will, most likely, play a napkin and a utensil respectfully.

This show will be big, folks, and you will not want to miss it.